1. A person started his journey in the morning. At 11 A.M, he covered 3/8 th of his journey and on the same day at 4 : 30 P.M, he covered 5/6 th of his journey. At what time did he start his journey?
1. The ratio of the present ages of Anubha and her mother is 1 : 2. The ratio of their ages 6 years hence would be 11 : 20. What was the ratio of their ages 9 years ago?
Directions(1-5): Given below are some questions followed by two statements each. Read the questions and answer which of the statements is/are sufficient to answer the question.Mark your answer according the following codes:
1. A person lent a certain sum of money at 5% simple interest and in 4 years the interest amounted to Rs.400 less than the sum lent. What is the sum lent?
As we know that Quantitative Aptitude is one of the important sections in SBI and IBPS 2016. Here we are providing some questions, that may help you to boost your score. Keep practicing and keep learning. Please share your score in the comments section below. THANK YOU!!
Hello Readers, This Post Contains Some Quantitative Aptitude Questions With Proper Explanations. First, Try To Solve All Questions and Share Your Score In Comment Section Below. "All The Best".
1. The price of 8 chairs is equal to 3 tables. The price of 12 chairs and 5 tables together is Rs.1,520. What is the total price of 10 chairs and 5 tables?
1. 3 women and 18 children together take 2 days to complete a piece of work. How many days will 9 children alone take to complete the piece of work if 6 women alone can complete the piece of work in 3 days?
1.Anurag's annual income is Rs. 6,36,000/-. He spends 22% of his monthly income on paying bills, 18% on household items, 12% on paying his children's fees and 4% he donates to charity. If two-fifth of the remaining amount he invests in mutual funds. What is the amount left with him every month?
1. A contractor undertook to do a certain piece of work in 9 days. He employed certain number of men, but 6 of them, being absent from the very first day, the rest could finish the work in 15 days. The number of men originally employed was:
Q.1 Ramesh covers two-third of a certain distance at 4 km/h and the remaining at 5 km/h. if he takes 42 minutes in all, the distance is:
a) 2.5 km
b) 3 km
c) 4 km
d) 4.6 km
e) none of these
1.The total population of a village is 5000. The number of males and females increases by 10% and 15% respectively and consequently the population of the village becomes 5600. What was the number of males in the village?
1. The sum of five consecutive even numbers is equal to 230. What is the sum of the largest number amongst them and the square of the smallest number amongst them? a) 1684 b) 1464 c) 1784 d) 1844 e) None of these