Directions (Q.1 - 5): These questions are based on the following information.
Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F work in different companies namely Pentasoft, Quark, Raymond's, Sunment, Trump & Gates and Udupi and each wears company - Sponsored different colored shirts, Viz. Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow, Purple and Red, though not necessarily in the same order.
i. The one wearing the Blue shirt works in Sunment and one wearing a Green shirt works in Pentasoft.
ii. F does not work in Raymond's or Trump & Gates.
iii. A wears Pink shirt and works in Quark.
iv. D does not work in Trump & Gates and Purple colored shirts are not sponsored by Raymond's.
v. E works in Udupi and neither D or B works in Sunmet.
vi. Trump & Gates does not sponsor Purple or Yellow colored shirts and C works in Pentasoft.
1. Which color shirts are sponsored by Raymond's?
a) Yellow
b) Blue
c) Pink
d) Can't be determined
e) None of these
2. Which pair is correctly matched?
a) Red - Raymond's - A
b) Red - Trump & Gates - B
c) Green - Raymond's - C
d) Can't be determined
3. Which of the following is true?
a) Udupi sponsored Green shirt
b) D is working in Trump & Gates
c) E wears red shirt
d) Red shirts are sponsored by Trump & Gates
e) None of these
4. What is the sequence of companies representing A, B, C, D, E and F?
a) Quark, Pentasoft, Trump & Gates, Raymond's, Udupi, Sunmet
b) Quark, Trump & Gates, Pentasoft, Raymond's, Udupi, Sunmet
c) Quark, Pentasoft, Trump & Gates, Sunmet, Udupi, Raymond's
d) Can't be detemined
e) None of these
5. If Raymond's and Sunmet decide to interchange the color of sponsored shirts, then which two persons have to interchange their shirts?
a) D & F
b) A & C
c) D & E
d) B & D
e) None of these
Directions (Q.6 - 10): Study the following information and answer the questions given.
In a certain code language 'lu ja ka hu' means 'we provide study material', 'fa ka la ju' means 'we score maximum selection', 'la fu ja ju' means 'study score the selection' and 'ju lu na fu' means 'selection of the material'. Then
6. What is the code of 'score' in this code language?
a) ju
b) la
c) fa
d) ka
e) Can't be determined
7. What is the code of 'provide' in this code language?
a) hu
b) lu
c) ka
d) ja
e) Can't be determined
8. What is the code of the 'provide of maximum'?
a) na hu fu
b) fa hu na
c) fu lu na
d) hu fa la
e) Can't be determined
9. What is the code of 'we the' in this code language?
a) ka fa
b) na hu
c) ka na
d) hu fu
e) Can't be determined
10. What is the code of 'material' in this code language?
a) hu
b) lu
c) ja
d) ka
e) Can't be determined
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