Monday 11 April 2016

Computer Quiz - 30 | SBI Clerk | NABARD

Q1. Internet's Initial development was supported by:
b) IBM
c) Microsoft
d) None of These

Q2.World Wide Web was proposed by:
a) Bill Gates
b) Bill Rogers
c) Tim Berners Lee
d) None of These

Q3. What are the uses of the Internet:
a) Communication
b) Information Retrieval
c) Presentation of Information
d) All of the Above

Q4. Benefits of Email are:
a) Speed
b) Cost
c) Record Keeping
d) None of These
e) All of the Above

Q5. WWW provides standardized access to:
c) FTP
d) None of These
e) All of the Above

Q6. Which among the following is not an internet browser:
a) Netscape Navigator
b) Chrome
c) Drupal
d) Opera

Q7. What should be minimum requirement of random access memory (RAM) for
internet access:
a) 8 MB
b) 16 MB
c) 32 MB
d) 64 MB

Q8. A modem is not needed when accessing the internet through:
a) LAN
b) Cable
c) Wi - Fi
d) None of These

Q9. In order to use cable for browsing web you will need:
a) A cable modem
b) Network Interface Card (NIC)
c) Both of Above
d) None of These

Q10. What is the minimum bandwidth required for broadband connection:
a) 128 kbps
b) 256 kbps
c) 512 kbps
d) None of These

1) A
2) C
3) D
4) E
5) E
6) C
7) C
8) A
9) C
10) B 

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