Tuesday 9 February 2016


                                  Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For AAO | Bank Exams

Directions (Q.1 - 2): What approximate value should come in the place of question mark ( ? ) in the following questions ?

1. 126.99% of 1539.98 + 5.5% of 149.99 + 103.98% of 7 = ?
a) 1960
b) 1970
c) 1980
d) 1955
e) 1950

2. (333% of 856) / 49.95 = ?
a) 43
b) 41
c) 57
d) 39
e) 47

3. (778.98 * 17.02) / 33.3 = ?
a) 390
b) 380
c) 370
d) 400
e) 410

4. (133.98 * 17.05) = (? * 40.04) + 277.98
a) 30
b) 20
c) 40
d) 50
e) 60

5. (36.5% of 140) / 12.6% of 80 = ?
a) 11
b) 7
c) 9
d) 5
e) 3

Directions(Q.6 - 10): Find out the wrong number in the following number series.

6. 12   25   52   55   57   115   117
a) 52
b) 117
c) 25
d) 55
e) None of these

7. 2478   819   257   84   24   6   1
a) 257
b) 24
c) 6
d) 1
e) 819

8. 2   3   6   15   45   160   630
a) 45
b) 6
c) 630
d) 3
e) 160

9. 199   176   195   180   190   184   187
a) 190
b) 180
c) 184
d) 176
e) 199

10. 1   5   2   30   28   2620
a) 2650
b) 5
c) 28
d) 30
e) 2

Answers: (1-5) B - C - D - D - D
(6-10) 6. d) Series is: *2+1, *1+2,...alternatively
          7. a) Series is: /3 - 7, /3 - 6, /3 - 5,...
          8. e) Series is: *1.5, *2, *2.5, *3 ...
          9. d) Series is: -23, +19, -15, +11 ...
        10. c) Series is: *1^2+4, *2-8, *3^2+12, *1-16...

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