1. Use of ‘when’ and ‘while’: Proper attention must be paid to these words. ‘when’ indicates a general sense and ‘while’ implies a time during the process of doing a work.
The sense of time and tense is also very important. Certain important rules are listed below.
1. ‘Scarcely’ and ‘hardly’ are followed by ‘when’ and not by ‘than’.
Uses -
I had scarcely entered the room than the phone rang. (Incorrect)
I had scarcely entered the room when the phone rang. (Correct)
1. when a comparison is made by using a comparative followed by ‘than’, the word ‘other’ must be exclude the thing compared form the class of things with which it is compared.
1. When a singular and a plural noun are joined by ‘or’, ‘nor’, the pronoun must be plural.
Uses -
Either the engineer or his mechanics failed in his duty. (Incorrect)
Either the engineer or his mechanics failed in their duty. (Correct)
1. Some nouns always take a singular verb.
Example - Scenery, advice, information, machinery, stationery, furniture, abuse, fuel, rice, gram, issue, bedding, repair, news, mischief, poetry, business, economics, physics, mathematics, classic, ethics, athletics, innings, gallows.