Saturday 2 April 2016

Marketing Quiz - 3 | SBI PO | IBPS PO

1.Marketing in Banks is required for ...........
a) Getting new customers
b) Retaining existing customers
c) Lending
d) Accepting of deposits
e) All of these

2. Market Size Means .............
a) Size of Marketing Staff
b) Size of the Organisation
c) Scope for profits
d) Scope for Marketing
e) None of these

3.Market Share means ............
a) Market price of Shares
b) Sensex
c) Share  Market
d) Share of business among peers
e) Market volatility

4. A"call" means ..............
a) A Profession
b) Tele Talk
c) Calling on a prospect
d) A call centre
e) All of these

5.A DSA means ..............
a) Direct Selling Authority
b) Directly Selling Agent
c) Direct Selling Authority
d) Direct Selling Agent
e) Distributors and selling agencies.

6."Benchmark" means ..............
a) Products lined up on a bench
b) Salesmen sitting on a bench
c) Set of standards
d) Marks on a bench
e) None of these

7.A "Target Group" in Marketing .............
a) To whom the sales should be directed
b) A Group of sellers
c) Group of Buyers
d) A Group of Products
e) All of the above.

8.The Target Group for Credit Cards is ........... 
a) All Card Holders
b) All existing borrowers
c) Individuals with taxable income
d) All of these
e) None of these

9. Market Segmentation helps in ..............
a) Identifying the target group
b) Focused Marketing
c) Improved lead generation
d) Only (1) and (2)
e) All of the above

10.In making emotional purchases, the purchaser needs .........
a) More time
b) Little time
c) A long time
d) Both (1) and (3)
e) None of these



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