Wednesday 27 April 2016

Marketing Quiz - 10 | SBI

1. If a manufacturer finds that some distributional outlets are not taking any promotional programmes, they should
a)compel them to provide extra push for a product
b)offer them incentives to do so
c)offer incentives in outlets sales personnel
d)All of the above
e)None of these

2.The demand for doors and windows depends upon the number of houses to be built. This demand is known as 
a)Durable demand
b)Derived demand
c)Irregular demand
d)Emergency demand
e)None of these

3.Basic product and minimum purchase conditions and something different which enable one product to be differentiated from another is known as
a)Expected product
b)Augmented product
c)Potential product
d)Both (a) and (b)
e)None of these

4.A computer base system that works in conjunction with revising information systems to support the firms, management in solving problems that relate to marketing of firms of the product is known as
e)None of these

5. The full form of RMSE is
a)Root Mean Squared Error
b)Root Mean Sum up Exam
c)Root Mean Squared Exam
d)None of these
e)All of these

6.In family life cycle, full nest 1 stage refers to
a)Young couples without children
b)the birth of the first child
c)teen aged  or college going children
d)death of a life partner
e)None of these

7.They buy the products when the new product no more remains new. They are called
a)Late majority
b)Early majority
d)Both a and b
e)None of these

8.Consumer day is celebrated on
a)15th March
b)16th March
c)20th April
d)20th March
e)None of these

9.Which among the following is not an economic factor which should be considered while formulating a market policy?
a)Government policies
b)Demand patterns
c)Supply of resources
d)Family life style
e)None of these

10. "Product mix' is ______________
a)a product having a mixture of contents
b)two products having similar contents
c)same product by different companies
d)full list of all products offered by a single company
e)None of these



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