Friday, 8 April 2016

English Vocabulary | SBI | IBPS | SSC

Open Class Room

For the Upcoming Exam We are providing Daily words. As we know English plays a very vital role in our day to day life. Thus, it is necessary to have a good knowledge and understanding of English vocabulary Too.

1. Abode  - noun - a place of residence; a house or home - वास

Ex : "her current abode"

Synonyms : home, house, place of residence, accommodations, quarters, lodgings, domicile.

Antonyms :  annex, office

2. Adieu - noun - a goodbye - विदाई

Ex : "he whispered a fond adieu"

Synonyms: goodbye, farewell, until we meet again, bye-bye, bye, cheers, ciao, aurevoir, adios

Antonyms:  hello, greeting

3. Bate - noun - an angry mood - ग़ुस्सा

Ex : "he got into a stinking bate"

Bate - verb - (of a hawk) beat the wings in agitation and flutter off the perch.

Ex :  "the hawks bated and immediately the breeze got in their feathers"

Synonyms: abate, check, curb, ease, ebb, lapse, lessen, moderate, restrain, slacken, wane, fall off, let up, slack off

Antonyms : aid, assist, enlarge, extend, free, help, increase, liberate, raise, rise

4. Bond - noun - an agreement with legal force, in particular - बंधन

Ex : "Steel Fists cut the bonds holding the three prisoners."

Synonyms: chains, fetters, shackles, manacles, irons, restraints

Antonyms : adherence, adhesiveness, attachment, bond, cling, grip, stickiness, sticking

5. Bedevil - verb - (of something bad) cause great and continual trouble to - सताना

Ex : "inconsistencies that bedevil modern English spelling"

Synonyms: annoy, beset, bother, harass, irritate, torment, badger, bug, provoke

Antonyms: aid, assist, delight, help, make, happy, please, soothe, clarify, clear up, explain

6. Bewitch - verb - cast a spell on and gain control over (someone) by magic - मोहित करना

Ex : "his relatives were firmly convinced that he was bewitched"

Synonyms: cast/put a spell on, enchant, possess, curse, hex, witch

Antonymsbore, disenchant, disgust, offend, repel, repulse, tire, let go, lose, receive, reject, turn off

7. Bizarre - adjective - very strange or unusual - विचित्र

Ex : "her bizarre dresses and outrageous hairdos"

Synonyms: strange, peculiar, odd, funny, curious, outlandish, outré, abnormal, eccentric, unconventional, unusual

Antonyms: common, commonplace, customary,familiar, normal, ordinary, reasonable, regular, sensible

8. Barbaric - adjective - savagely cruel - असभ्य

Ex : "he carried out barbaric acts in the name of war"

Synonyms: brutal, barbarous, brutish, bestial, savage, vicious, fierce, ferocious, wicked, cruel, nasty, ruthless, remorseless.

Antonyms : civilized, cultured, gentle, kind, nice, refined, sophisticated

9. Behavior - noun - the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others - व्यवहार

Ex : "he will vouch for her good behavior"

Synonyms : conduct, way of behaving, deportment, bearing, etiquette; actions, exploits, doings, efforts, manners, ways, habits, practices.

Antonyms : cessation, idleness, inactivity, inertia, repose, rest, stoppage, bad manners, carelessness, immorality, impropriety, indecency

10. Breeze - noun - a gentle wind - समीर

Ex : "The wind blew not just gentle breezes but full-blown bone chilling winds."

Synonyms: gentle wind, puff of air, gust, cat's paw, light air, zephyr

Antonyms : Calm, Lull, Placidity, Doldrums

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