Saturday 16 April 2016

Computer Study Notes: Some Important Abbreviations | SBI Clerk


Open Class Room

Dear Aspirant,
As you know Computer is very important section to get a good score for Bank Exam 2016. Here we are providing some basic terms of Computer. 


CPU : Central Processing Unit
ALU : Arithmetic Logic Unit
VOD: Video On Demand
CU : Control Unit
VDU : Visual Display Unit
RAM : Random Access Memory
ROM : Read Olny Memory
VoIP : Voice over Internet Protocol
VPN : Virtual Private Network
PROM : Programmable Read Only Memory
EPROM : Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EEPROM : Electrically Erasable Read Only Memory
AAA : Authentication Authorization, Accounting
CD : Compact Disc
DVD : Digital Video Disk
AM : Active Monitor
AM : Allied Mastercomputer
AM : Amplitude Modulation
AM : Access Method
AM : Active Matrix
DMP : Dots Matrix Printer
BIOS : Basic Input Output System
ISP : Internet Service Provider
SMTP : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
URL : Unifrom Resource Locator
TCP : Transmission Control Protocol
UPS—Uninterruptible Power Supply
URI : Uniform Resource Identifier
URN : Uniform Resource Name
ISDN : Integrated Services Digital Network
IVRS : Interactive Voice Response System
IVCR : Interactive Virtual Classroom
IP : Internet Protocol
FTP : File Transfer Protocol
HTC : High-Throughput Computing
HCL : Hardware Compatibility List
HCI : Human Computer Interaction
HD DVD : High Definition DVD
HTTP : Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
PAP : Password Authentication Protocol
WWID : World Wide Identifier
WWN : World Wide Name
WWW : World Wide Web
W3C : World Wide Web Consortium
WWDC : Apple World Wide Developer Conference
LAN : Local Area Network
MAN : Metropolitian Area Netwrok
WAN : Wide Area Network
PAN : Personal Area Network
WAP: Wireless Access Point
POST : Power-On Self Test
REST : Representational State Transfer
WEP: Wired Equivalent Privacy
WFI : Wait For Interrupt
Wi-Fi : Wireless Fidelity
PPC : PowerPC
PCB : Printed Circuit Board
USB : Universal Serial Bus
PCB : Process Control Block
GUI : Graphical User Interface
CUI : Character User Interface
HTML : Hyper Text Mark Up Language
DHTML : Dynamic Hyper Text Mark Up Language
IBM : International Business Machine
BMP : Bitmap Image
WUSB: Wireless Universal Serial Bus
WWAN : Wireless Wide Area Network
GIF : Graphics Interchange Format
GIGO : Garbage In, Garbage Out
GDI : Graphics Device Interface
CAD : Computer Aided Design
ADC : Analog-to-Digital Converter
CAD : Computer-Aided Design
ADC : Apple Display Connector
TIF : Tagged Image Format
PSTN : Public Switched Telephone Network
IDN : Integrated Digital Network
IS : Information System
RTP : Real-time Transport Protocol
RTS : Ready To Send
RDM : Relational Data Model
RDOS : Real-time Disk Operating System
DBMS : Data Base Managment System
RDBMS : Relational Data Base Managment System
DBA : Data Base Administator
UPS : Un-interrupted Power Supply
VIRUS : Virtual/Vital Information Resource Under Siege
WYS i WYG : What You See Is What You Get
DOS : Disk Operating System
SMS : Short Message Service
MMS : Multi Media Services
BCD : Binary Coded Decimal
JDBC : Java Database Connectivity
JDK : Java Development Kit
AI : Artificial Intelligence
VPN : Virtual Private Network
MSA : Mail Submission Agent
MSDN : Microsoft Developer Network
MSI : Medium-Scale Integration
MSI : Message Signaled Interrupt
MSI : Microsoft Installer
MUA : Mail User Agent
MICR : Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
MOSFET : Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
OMF : Object Module Format
OMG : Object Management Group
OMR : Optical Mark Reader
LPM : Line Per Minute
PPI : Pixels Per Inch
PPP : Point-to-Point Protocol
CPM : Character Per Minute
CRT :  Cathode Ray Tube
PHP : Hypertext Preprocessor
PIC : Peripheral Interface Controller
PIC : Programmable Interrupt Controller
PID : Proportional-Integral-Derivative
PID : Process ID
MOS : Metal Oxide Semiconductor
DTP : Desktop Publishing
CGM : Computer Graphic Metafile
JPEG : Joint Photographic Experts Group
P2P : Peer-To-Peer
PCM : Pulse-Code Modulation
PD : Public Domain
PDA : Personal Digital Assistant
PDF : Portable Document Format
XHTML : eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language
XML : eXtensible Markup Language
ZIF : Zero Insertion Force


1.    To Close the Document :              Ctrl + W
2.    To Centre align the Document :   Ctrl + E
3.    To Left align the Documnet :       Ctrl + L
4.    To Right alogn the Documnet :    Ctrl + R
5.    To Justify the Document :            Ctrl + J
6.    Bold Text :           Ctrl + B
7.    Itallic Text :         Ctrl + I
8.    Underline :          Ctrl + U
9.    To Hyperlink :     Ctrl + K
10.    To Open front Dialog Box :   Ctrl + D
11.    To Increase Font size :     Ctrl + ]
12.    To Decrease Font size :   Ctrl + [
13.    To Open New File :         Ctrl + N
14.    To Open Existing File :    Ctrl + O
15.    To Save the File :             Ctrl + S
16.    To Print the File :             Ctrl + P
17.    To Find :              Ctrl + F
18.     To Replace :       Ctrl + H
19.     Undo :                Ctrl + Z
20.    Redo :                  Ctrl + Y
21.    To Copy :             Ctrl + C
22.    To Cut :                Ctrl + X
23.    To Paste :             Ctrl + V
24.    Select All :           Ctrl + A
25.    Go To :                 Ctrl + G


1.    For Help : F1 

2.    To Save : F12

3.    Spelling & Grammar : F7

4.    (i) Go To : F5
(ii) Open the find, replace, and go to window in Microsoft Word.

5.    (i) To Represnt the last Action : F4
(ii) Alt + F4 closes the program window currently active in Microsoft Windows.
(iii) Ctrl + F4 closes the open window within the current active window in Microsoft Windows.

6.    What is This : Shift + F1

7. (i) Alt + Ctrl + F2 opens document window in Microsoft Word.
(ii)Ctrl + F2 displays the print preview window in Microsoft Word.
(iii) In Windows renames a highlighted icon, file, or folder in all versions of Windows

8.    (i)Often opens a search feature for many programs including Microsoft Windows when at the Windows Desktop. 
(ii)In MS-DOS or Windows command line F3 will repeat the last command.
(iii) Shift + F3 will change the text in Microsoft Word from upper to lower case or a capital letter at the beginning of every word. 
(iv) Windows Key + F3 opens the Advanced find window in Microsoft Outlook.

9. (i) Ctrl + Shift + F6 opens to another open Microsoft Word document. 
(ii)Reduce laptop speaker volume (on some laptops).

10.    (i) Shift + F7 runs a Thesaurus check on the word highlighted. 
(ii) Turns on Caret browsing in Mozilla Firefox. 
(iii)Increase laptop speaker volume (on some laptops).

11. F8 : To enter the Windows startup menu, commonly used to access Windows Safe Mode

12.  F9 : (i) Refresh document in Microsoft Word. 
 (ii) Send and receive e-mail in Microsoft Outlook. 
(iii) Opens the Measurements toolbar in Quark 5.0.

13.    F10 : (i) In Microsoft Windows activates the menu bar of an open application. 
(ii) Shift + F10 is the same as right-clicking on a highlighted icon, file, or Internet link.

14.   F11 : (i) Enter and exit full screen mode in all modern Internet browsers.
 (ii) Ctrl + F11 as computer is starting to access the hidden recovery partition on many Dell computers.


1) .zip                            Zip file.
2) .doc                           Ms-Word
3) .xls                            Ms-Excel
4) .ppt                            Ms-Power Point
5) .mbd                          Ms- Access
6) .batch or .bat             Batch File in DOS
7) .rtf                             Word Pad
8) .bmp                          Paint File
9) .txt                             Note Pad
10) .wav                         Waveform audio file.
11)  .xml                         Extensible Markup Language file.  
12)  .url                           Uniform Resource Locator file.
13)  .ico                           Icon file.
14)  .html                         Hypertext markup language file.
15)  .gif                           Graphics Interchange Format file.
16)  .h                              C header file.
17)  .exe                          Win32 executable file.
18)  .flt                             Filter file.
19)  .class                         Compiled java source code file.
20)  .dlg                           Win32 dialog resource file.
21)  .fmt                          Format file.
22)  .c                              C language file.
24)  .dll                            Win32 dynamic linked library.
25)  .font                          Font file.
26)  .def                            Win32 library definition file.
27)  .cmd                           Compiler command file.


1)     Kilo Byte (KB)           1 KB = 1024 Bytes
2)     Mega Byte (MB)        1 MB = 1024 KB
3)     Giga Byte (GB)          1 GB = 1024 MB
4)     Tera Byte (TB)            1 TB = 1024 GB
5)     Peta Byte (PB)           1 PB = 1024 TB


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