Tuesday, 22 March 2016

WORD POWER - 9 (Editorial - The Hindu)

1. Elevate - to move or raise to a higher place or position; lift up.
Syno - uplift, raise, put up
Anto - demote, denounce, fall
Ex - To elevate all nations requires a great variety of laborers.

2. Robust - strong and healthy in all or most situations and conditions
Syno - powerful, vigorous, fit
Anto - fragile, weak, impotent
Ex - I am not so robust as you have known me, but there is nothing serious the matter with me.

3. Ambivalence - uncertainty or fluctuation, especially when caused by inability to make a choice or by a simultaneous desire to say or do two opposite or conflicting things.
Syno - uncertainty, hesitation, tentativeness
Anto - certainty, decisiveness, sureness
Ex - But now also the psychological fatality of ambivalence demands its rights.

4. Thwarted - to oppose successfully, prevent from accomplishing a purpose
Syno - confuse, oppose, impede
Anto - abet, liberate, release
Ex - I warned you before, when you thwarted the noblest resolution I ever formed.

5. Resilience - Recovering from shock, grief
Syno - Flexibility, pliancy, recoil, snap.
Anto - Rigidity, fragility, weakness

Ex - He showed great courage and resilience in fighting back from a losing position to win the game.

6. Perceive - notice, see, to become aware of know
Syno - realize, spy, identify, observe
Anto - disbelieve, avoid, misinterpret
Ex - I could not perceive the expression of the man's face, but he was a long while answering.

7. Orchestrated - organize, cause to happen
Syno - arrange, set up, compose
Anto - disperse, separate, ignore
Ex - When I had orchestrated a section, he would show me his own instrumentation of the same passage.

8. Obliterate - destroy,to remove, do away with
Syno - erase, scratch, defeat
Anto - build, revive, keep, set up
Ex - Civilization modifies this division of labor, but cannot obliterate 

9. Blatant - sounding loudly and harshly, obvious
Syno - clear, crying, loud, outright
Anto - Furtive, moral, silent
Ex - She contrasted his blatant unselfishness with the hardness of Stephen

10. Appeasement - The policy of giving in to demands in order to preserve the peace, satisfaction
Syno - easing, concession, mitigation
Anto -difference, irritation, resistance
Ex - It undoubtedly existed in pre-exilian Israel, especially in times of crisis or calamity, for the appeasement of an offended deity.

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