Friday 18 March 2016


1. Intimidate – Deliberately  make someone frightened 
Synonyms - Scare, dispirit, bowl over, dishearten
Antonyms - Release, assure, help, comfort
Ex – Attempts to intimidate people into voting for the governing party didn’t work.

2. Goon – A person who is paid to hurt or threaten people
Synonyms - moron, sap, tough guy, hooligan
Antonyms - brain
Ex – He and other goon began to beat me up.

3. Impasse – A difficult situation in which it is impossible to make any progress
Synonyms - Pause, dilemma, standstill, dead end
Antonyms - Solution, agreement, boon, breakthrough
Ex – The company has reached an impasse in negotiations with the union.

4. Entrench – Establish firmly
Synonyms - Install, implant, anchor, settle
Antonyms - discourage, weaken, displace, let go
Ex – The dictators have entrenched themselves politically.

5. Flaw – Mistake in something
Synonyms - Fault, glitch, typo, wart
Antonyms - advantage, blessing, strong point, perfection
Ex – Almost all these studies have serious flaws.

6. Fraternity – Friendship and support between people
Synonyms - fellowship, order, society, club
Antonyms - sisterhood, sorority
Ex – I need the fraternity of others to move ahead.

7. Conscience – Moral sense of right or wrong
Synonyms - morals, duty, principles, censor
Antonyms - immorality
Ex – I could go away again with a clear conscience.

8. Engulf – To cover  or hide a thing in a sudden & unexpected way
Synonyms - Immerse, overwhelm, submerge, drown
Antonyms - Dry, uncover, neglect, underwhelm
Ex – The flat is engulfed in flames.

9. Profound – Something great or intense
Synonyms - weighty, subtle, abstruse, mysterious
Antonyms - light, trivial, mild, shallow
Ex – This has profoundly affected my life.

10. Overhaul – Cleaned, checked thoroughly, repaired if necessary
Synonyms - Fix, examine, service, survey
Antonyms - Break, destroy, Ignore, ruin
Ex – There must be a complete overhaul of traffic control system.

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