Wednesday, 23 March 2016

WORD POWER - 10 (Editorial - The Hindu)

1. Litigation - The conduct of a lawsuit.
Syno - Action, case, dispute
Anto - Cohesion, compromise, solidarity
Ex - There is ongoing litigation in this matter

2. Demitting (demit) - To let fall, To depress, To yield
Syno - Abandon, quit, hand over
Anto - Enlist, enter
Ex - The right to demit or resign never has, until with a few years, been denied.

3. Scapegoat - Someone punished for the error or errors of someone else.
Syno - Fall guy, whipping boy
Anto - Exonerate
Ex - Don't scapegoat me for your mistake.

4. Astounding (astound) - To astonish, bewilder or dazzle, amazing
Syno - eye-popping, surprising, shocking
Anto - unsurprising, ordinary
Ex - For the moment, so taken aback was he by his astounding announcement, that he could not speak.

5. Niceties - A small detail or distinction
Syno - detail, precision, exactness
Anto - inaccuracy, imprecision, inexactness
Ex - We met the new captain while we were taking enemy fire and were unable to observe the niceties of formal introductions.

6. Elite - A special group or social class of people which have a superior intellectual, social or economic status.
Syno - noble, super, choice
Anto - Bad, poor, common, lower
Ex - Soon they reached the dirty, plastic front of the Elite Cafe.

7. Divested - To undress, To sell off or be rid of thorough sale.
Syno - dump, plunder, spoil
Anto - offer, keep, invest
Ex - You shall never divest me of my right to free speech.

8. Replicate - To make a copy of, To repeat with a consistent result.
Syno - imitate, duplicate, photocopy
Anto - ignore, repulse, reject
Ex - On entering a host cell, a virus will start to replicate.

9. Numerous - Indefinitely large numerically, many
Syno - see many, large, plentiful
Anto - little, similar, tiny
Ex - The Secretary put on his glasses and unfolded the numerous sheets.

10. Exhortation - warning, urging
Syno - advice, lecture, persuasion
Anto - Discouragement
Ex - Govind pursued his exhortation, convincing himself more and more.

11. Knuckle - A mechanical joint, the knee joint, To apply pressure or rub or massage 
Syno - Accept, comply, surrender
Anto - disagree, oppose, refuse
Ex - He tapped once with the knuckle of his forefinger, gently, like a little mouse.

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