1. The standard of living in a country is represented by its: Poverty Ratio Per Capita Income National Income Unemployment Rate
2. In terms of Human Development Index (HDI), India falls under the following category: High Medium Very Low Low
3. What is 'Zero Hour'? When the proposals of the opposition are raised When matters of utmost importance are raised Interval between the morning and afternoon sessions When a Money Bill is introduced in Lok Sabha
4. In the Hunter Commission report, special emphasis was laid on the development of --- Girls education Higher education Primary education Technical education
5. Which is the closet star to earth? Sirius Sun Rigel Denab
6. Who discovered the solar system? Copernicus kepler Aryabhatta Newton
7. Earthquake is caused by --- Disturbance of the earth surface Adjustment of layers of earth crust Breakage of rock system Upliftment of rocks
8. The speed of light with the rise in the temperature of the medium --- Increases Decreases Remains unaltered Drops suddenly
9. Clear night are colder than cloudy nights because of --- Conduction Condensation Radiation Insolation
10. Atoms are composed of --- Electrons and Protons Electrons only Protons only Electrons and nuclei
11. In which type of coal percentage of carbon is the highest --- Peat Lignite Bituminous Anthracite
12. The water pollution in river is measured by the dissolved amount of --- Chlorine Ozone Nitrogen Oxygen
13. Dog bite can cause rabies, which among the following other animals can also cause rabies? Donkey Bat Horse Crocodile
14. Longest fibers are found in --- Jute Cotton Sunn Hemp Coir
15. Ozone day is --- January, 30 September, 16 April, 21 December, 25
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