Friday 4 March 2016


Directions (Q.1 - 5): These questions are based on the following information. Study it carefully and answer the questions.

Ten members A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J are split into two teams X and Y of 5 members each. Members in the two teams are made to sit in two rows facing each other in such a way that one member of team X is sitting exactly opposite of a member in team Y. Members of team X are facing North. D is third to the right of A and sits exactly opposite of G. B sits to the immediate right of G and is facing South. H is third to the right of B and is exactly opposite of F. C sits between A and E and is opposite of I.

1. Who is second to the left of C?
a) F
b) A
c) B
d) D
e) None of these

2. Which of the following group of persons sit in the same row?
a) HIE
b) ACB
c) GDI
d) HIG
e) None of these

3. Who is to the immediate right of B?
a) C
b) E
c) I
d) A
e) None of these

4. Who is to the immediate left of J?
a) H
b) C
c) E
d) B
e) None of these

5. Who sits exactly opposite of J?
a) H
b) A
c) F
d) C
e) None of these

Directions (Q.6 - 10): Study the following information carefully to answer these questions.
A group of people has six family members and an advocate. These are L, M, N, O, P, Q and R and having different professions. Each one of them is a journalist, businessman, architect, doctor and pilot but not necessarily in this order. There are three males and three females in the family out of which there are two married couples. M is a businessman and is the father of P. Q is a doctor and grandfather of P who is a male. N is a housewife and is daughter-in-law of O. L is neither a pilot nor a journalist. R is an advocate. N is not the mother of P and M is married but not to O. No lady is a journalist.

6. Which of the following groups represents the three ladies in the group?
a) N, P, L
b) P, L, N
c) L, N, O
d) O, P, L
e) None of these

7. Who is married to Q?
a) N
b) O
c) L
d) Can’t be determined
e) None of these

8. Who among the following family members is an architect?
a) L
b) O
c) P
d) Can’t be determined
e) None of these

9. Which of the following is the profession of P?
a) Architect
b) Pilot
c) Architect or pilot
d) Journalist
e) None of these

10. How is Q related to O?
a) Father
b) Mother
c) Mother-in-law
d) Son-in-law
e) None of these

Answers: 1- A, 2- D, 3- C, 4- E, 5- B, 6- C, 7- A, 8- A, 9- D, 10- E

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