Thursday 11 February 2016


Hello Readers,
As you know to make english easy and to get a good score in this section, word power plays a crucial role. Here we are posting a list of some important words for your practice. Happy learning

1. Rivet – Something which fascinates you and holds your interest completely
Ex – The scar on her face had immediately riveted their attention.
Synonym - fixed on, fastened on, focused on

2. Nullify (V) – Not legally valid
Ex – He used his powers to nullify decisions by local governments.
Synonym – Annul, Void, Invalidate

3. Portend (V) – Something which is likely to happen in near future
Ex – The change didn’t portend a basic improvement in social conditions.
Synonym – Presage, Augur, Foreshadow, Foretell 

4. Impeccable (Adj) – Perfect (which have no faults)
Ex – She had impeccable taste in clothes.
Synonym – Flawless, Faultless, Exemplary 

5. Sobriquet (N) – A humorous name that people give someone 
Ex – Missile man was the sobriquet name of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam.
Synonym – Alias, Cognomen, Epithet

6. Rapture (N) – Feeling of extreme happiness or pleasure
Ex – Children listened to Mr Kalam with rapture.
Synonym – Ecstasy, Bliss, Euphoria  

7. Stratagem (N) – A plan that is intended to achieve a particular effect (By deceiving people)
Synonym – Plan, Scheme, Tactic

8. Reprieve (V) – To delay some unpleasant or difficult situation
Ex – Under the new regime, prisoner under sentence of death were reprieved.
Synonym – Respite, Remission 

9. Modus Operandi – A particular way of doing something 
Ex – Every killer has his own modus operandi.
Synonym – Method, Way, Manner

10. Scour (V) – To make thorough search
Ex – Policemen scoured the telephone directory for clues.
synonym - scrub, rub

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