Friday 19 February 2016


Directions (Q.1 - 10): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentences there are four or five pair of words denoted by numbers (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentences in the same sequence to make the sentences meaningfully complete.

1. The deputy manager ________ to resign because all his proposals were ________ down by his superiors.
a) planned, thrown
b) gave, held
c) began, kept
d) willing, knocked
e) threatened, turned

2. The counter clerk was very busy and _______ not pay _________ to Sameer's request.
a) can, help
b) could, cooperation
c) had, cash
d) did, attention
e) certainly, acceptance

3. He was initially ________ at the suggestion but was soon _________ it itself.
a) anger, rejecting
b) shocked, advocating
c) impressed, negating
d) thrilled, propagating
e) suspicious, trusting

4. Shalini was not ________ by the criticism and paid no ________ even when her best friend talked against her.
a) bothered, attention
b) troubled, brained
c) threatened, warning
d) deterred, heed
e) shaken, indication

5. She was _______ because all her plan had gone ________.
a) happy, selected
b) dejected, splendidly
c) distraught, awry
d) frustrated, magnificently

6. He preaches liberal views but in practice, he is not _________ and is _________ narrow minded than almost any other person.
a) tough, openly
b) tolerant, more
c) ambitious, hardly
d) acceptable, genuinely
e) approachable, less

7. Ravi ______ a bit _______ he was not invited by his friend to attend the party.
a) annoyed, before
b) angered, since
c) expressed, than
d) grumbled, when
e) surprised, about

8. He is ________ to ________ any kind of work with due sincerity.
a) fond, perform
b) reluctant, entrust
c) determined, undertake
d) eager, avoid
e) willing, ignore

9. Children are more ________ than adults, it is _________ their quickness in learning a new language.
a) intelligent, disproved by
b) adaptable, reflected in
c) conservative, seen in
d) susceptible, demonstrated in
e) resourceful, proportionate to

10. ________ of crops was due to continuous __________.
a) Loss, draught
b) Ruin, draft
c) Failure, drought
d) Depreciation, drift
e) None of these

Answers: 1. E,  2. D,  3. B,  4. A,  5. C,  6. B,  7. D,  8. C,  9. B,  10. C

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