Wednesday 3 February 2016


                                             Computer Quiz For AAO | Syndicate Manipal

1. ________ is a world-wide distributed discussion system.
a) Telnet
b) Usenet
c) Newsnet
d) Internet
e) None of these

2. A program that acts as a catalog for the web sites is called ________.
a) Dictionary
b) Wikipedia
c) Webopedia
d) Spider
e) None of these

3. Communication standard used by all computers in internet is ________.
b) TCP
c) IP
e) FTP

4. When web site's HTML files, graphics, etc. reside on a public server known as ________.
a) Web server
b) Web host
c) Local host
d) Host
e) Terminal
5. The page prior to the main page is known as _________.
a) Index
b) Home
c) Splash
d) Master
e) None of these

6. ________ image formats offer transparency in all browsers.
a) GIF
b) PNG
c) BMP
d) JPG
e) None of these

7. ________ are the main building blocks of a database.
a) Data
b) Lists
c) Tables
d) Queries
e) None of these

8. You can view a website on your cell phone that is ________ enabled.
a) Internet
b) Browser
e) WAP

9. WML content can be viewed in _________ browser.
a) Internet
b) Micro
c) Macro
d) Windows
e) All of the these

10. In WML, group of pages is called _________.
a) Collection
b) Website
c) Deck
d) WAP site
e) None of these

Answers: B - D - A - B - B
              A - C - E - B - C

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