Saturday, 20 February 2016


1. The piece of hardware that converts computer's digital signal to an analog signal that can travel over telephone lines is called a __________. 
a) Bridge
b) Router
c) Modem
d) Tower
e) BUS

2. Which command allows you to reduce fragments of file and optimize the performance of disk?
a) chkdsk
b) Scandisk
c) Fragment
d) Diskcomp
e) Derfrag

3. Data can be arranged in a worksheet in an easy to understand manner using ___________.
a) Auto formatting
b) Applying Styles
c) Changing fonts
d) Synchronisation
e) Asynchronisation

4. ___________ controls the way in which a computer system functions and provides name by which can interact with the computer?
b) Operating system
c) Application software
d) The platform
e) The motherboard

5. SMTP is responsible for ____________.
a) Where e-mails come
b) accessing any e-mail
c) where e-mails are ready to be sent
d) sending e-mail
e) download attachment

6. In MS- Word WYSIWYG stands for__________?
a) Preview
b) What you see is what you get
c) What you see is where you get
d) Print
e) None of these

7. Virtual memory is________?
a) Memory on the hard disk that the CPU uses an extended RAM
b) Access the page table
c) CPU generates a physical address
d) Automatic storage allocation
e) None of these

8. Numbers and formulae entered in a cell are called _____.
a) Labels
b) Numeric entries
c) Intersection
d) Text
e) Fellers

9. Primary key is a ______?
a) Common key
b) Unique key
c) Input key
d) Output key
e) None of these

10. You can use the ______bar to type a URL and display a webpage or type a keyword to display a list of related webpages.
a) Menu
b) Title
c) Search
d) Web
e) Address

Answers: 1-C, 2-E, 3-A, 4-B, 5-D, 6-B, 7-A, 8-B, 9-B, 10-E

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