Friday, 29 January 2016


                     Reasoning Quiz For LIC AAO | IBPS SO | Syndicate Manipal

Directions (Q.1 - 5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Eight friends P, Q, R, S, T, V, W and Y are sitting around a square table in such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the square while four sit in the middle of each of the four sides. The one who sit at the four corners face the centre while those who sit in the middle of the sides face outside. S sits third to the right of P. P faces the centre. Y faces centre but is not an immediate neighbour of P or S. T sits third to the right of R. R does not sit in the middle of any of the sides and also R is not an immediate neighbour of Y. Only one person sits between P and V. Q is not an immediate neighbor of V.

1. If all the persons are made to sit in alphabetical order in clockwise direction, standing from P, the positions of how many (excluding P) will remain unchanged as compared to their original seating positions?
a) None
b) one
c) Two
d) Three
e) four

2. Which of the following is true regarding Y?
a) T is not an immediate neighbours of Y
b) Y sits in the middle of one of the sides
c) R sits second to left of Y
d) P and V are immediate neighbours of Y
e) None of these

3. Who amonst the following sits fourth to the left of V?
a) Y
b) R
c) T
d) Q
e) W

4. What is the position of Q with respect to R?
a) Immediate to the left
b) Second to the left
c) Third to the left
d) Third to the right
e) Immediate to the right

5. Who is second to the right of R?
a) T
b) Q
c) S
d) Y
e) None of these

Directions (Q.6 - 10): Study the following information carefully and answer these questions.

Seven members A, B, C, D, E, F and G represent seven different states Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Odisha and Maharashtra in seven different games Hockey, Chess, Cricket, Badminton, Table Tennis, Golf and Billiards. The order of persons, states and games is not necessarily the same. D represents Kerala in Chess. E represents Golf team but not from Maharashtra or Uttar Pradesh. A represents Madhya Pradesh for Badminton. C represents Odisha but not for Cricket or Table Tennis. The one who represents Bihar, represents Table Tennis. The one who represents Hockey represents Uttar Pradesh. F represents Maharashtra for Cricket. G does not represents Bihar.

6. Which of the following combinations of game and state is correct?
a) Odisha-Chess
b) Odisha-Billiards
c) Tamil Nadu-Cricket
d) Maharashtra-Chess
e) None of these

7. Who represents Billiards team?
a) G
b) F
c) C
d) B
e) None of these

8. Who represents Bihar?
a) G
b) E
c) B
d) B or E
e) None of these

9. Who represents Uttar Pradesh?
a) G
b) F
c) B
d) Can't be determined

10. Who represents Golf?
a) D
b) A
c) E
d) G
e) None of these

Answers: A-C-A-E-D

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