Sunday 31 January 2016


1. The ratio of income and expenditure of Nick is 11 : 10. If he saves $9000 per annum, then what is his monthly income? 
a) $8000
b) $9600
c) $8600
d) $8250
e) None of these

2. If the cost price of 15 books is equal to the selling price of 20 books, then what is the percentage loss/gain? 
a) 16% loss
b) 24% profit
c) 25% profit
d) 35% loss
e) 25% loss

3. Sindhu can swim 1 km in 10 minutes along the stream and 2 kms in 30 minutes against the stream. What is the speed of stream? 
a) 4 km/hr
b) 10 km/hr
c) 1000 km/hr
d) 3 km/hr
e) None of these

4. The average age of 10 members of a committee is same as it was 2 years ago as an old member is replaced by an young one. How much younger is the new member to the old one? 
a) 20 years
b) 10 years
c) 15 years
d) 2 years
e) None of these

5. Ajaya and Kashi travelled same distances at 9 km/hr and 10 km/hr respectively. If Ajaya takes 36 minutes more to reach his destination than Kashi, then what is the distance traveled by Kashi?
a) 48km
b) 49km
c) 64km
d) 54km
e) 60km

(Q. 6 - 10) Find the odd one out 

6. 1   5   14   30   50   91 
a) 1
b) 5
c) 30
d) 50
e) 91

7. 2   6   10   17   26   37 
a) 2
b) 10
c) 26
d) 6
e) 37

8. 80   25   98   61   119   121 
a) 25
b) 98
c) 61
d) 119
e) 121

9. 18   48   100   182   294   448 
a) 18
b) 48
c) 182
d) 294
e) 448

10. 156   182   210   240   272   310 
a) 156
b) 210
c) 240
d) 272
e) 310

Answers: D - E - C - A - D 
              D - D - D - C - E

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