Monday, 25 January 2016


                Marketing Quiz For LIC AAO | IBPS SO

1. In the English auction system, there is one seller and many buyers. Many times the seller _____.
a) Sets floor or minimum price
b) Sets ceiling or maximum price
c) Gives discount if buyers form a group
d) All the above
e) None of these

2. Mark-up pricing is a pricing ___ while as Geographic pricing is a pricing____:
a) method, strategy
b) strategy, method
c) process, policy
d) policy, process
e) None of these

3. Concentrated marketing is a strategy opted for:
a) Market segmentation
b) Market Research
c) Marketing Mix
d) None of these
e) All the above

4. SBU means:
a) Strategic Business Uses
b) Strategic Business Unit
c) Strategic Business Utility
d) None of these
e) All the above

5. Home banking is an example of:
a) Direct marketing
b) Indirect marketing
c) Branch marketing
d) None of the above
e) All the above

6. A direct marketing channel is also called ____ level channel.
a) Zero
b) One 
c) Two
d) Three 
e) Four

7. A distribution channel has several _______ points.
a) Exchange 
b) Distribution
c) Selling 
d) Buying
e) None of these

8. Identified sponsor is one of the features of:
a) Advertising
b) Publicity
c) Sales promotion
d) Personal selling
e) All the above

9. Marketing Myopia is a state in which a marketer is:
a) Preoccupied with product and selling and ignores customer
b) Customer oriented
c) Sales oriented
d) None of the above
e) All the above

10. "VMS' means:
a) Virtual Mailing services
b) Vertical Marketing Services
c) Virtual Marketing Services
d) None of these
e) All the above

Answers: A - A - A - B - A
               A - A - A - A - C

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