Wednesday 27 January 2016



                          English Quiz For LIC AAO | IBPS SO | Syndicate Manipal

Directions (Q. 1 - 10): In each of the following sentences there are two blanks. Below each sentence there are five pair of words denoted by (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

1. The minister held the ___________ that a review of all textbooks should be ___________.
a) Thought, attempts
b) Statement, committed
c) Query, entertained
d) Attitude, stipulated
e) Opinion, undertaken

2. The official have treated the __________ very seriously and no one will be ___________.
a) Staff, excuse
b) Phenomenon, supplied
c) Substance, afforded
d) Matter, spared
e) Element, granted

3. He has __________ for his frivolous and ____________ statements.
a) Apologized, incorrect
b) Withdrawn, deceive
c) Clarified, misguide
d) Pardoned, disciplined
e) Anticipated, soothing

4. A book __________ reading is one which, when ___________, brings auspiciousness to the reader.
a) Value, study
b) Worth, read
c) Excellent, thought
d) Benefit, describe
e) Virtue, desire

5. The deputy manager _________ to resign because all his proposals were _________ down by his superiors.
a) Planned, thrown
b) Gave, held
c) Began, kept
d) Willing, knocked
e) Threatened, turned

6. In _________ of international matters, there is always an element of risk in _________ one might do.
a) View, whichever
b) Many, doing
c) Defence, wrong
d) Case, whatever
e) Spite, whatever

7. Instead of _________ prove your worth by _________ something.
a) Begging, demanding
b) Talking, doing
c) Worrying, paying
d) Writing, reading
e) Donating, demanding

8. The construction of the hall has been _________ because of the __________ of cement in the market.
a) Held, non-availability
b) Denied, restrictions
c) Hampered, shortage
d) Prevented, supply
e) Completed, disappearance

9. Shalini was not __________ by the criticism and paid no _________ even when her best friend talked against her.
a) Bothered, attention
b) Troubled, brained
c) Threatened, warning
d) Deterred, heed
e) Shaken, indication

10. After having been friends for more than a decade, they had a ________ last year and have not ________ each other ever since.
a) Fight, talked
b) Argument, met
c) Dispute, seen
d) Quarrel, admired
e) Difference, introduced

Answers: E - D - A - B - E --- D - B - C - A - C.

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